Responses to consultation papers

If you are seeking an older consultation paper, please email us.  You can also search for consultation papers by working group or devolved office by using the following links and scrolling down the page:


Response to Defra Survey for Joint Post Implementation Review of Habitats Regulations

Posted on 12/07/2024
UKELA's response to the Defra survey for the Joint Post-Implementation Review (PIR) of the Conservation of Habitats and Species regulations 2017 and the Conservation of Offshore Marine Habitats and Species regulations 2017 (the Consultation Paper).


Response to the Scottish Government Consultation 'Meeting our '30 by 30' biodiversity commitment'

Posted on 22/05/2024
UKELA's response to the Scottish Government consultation on legislative proposals 'Meeting our '30 by 30' biodiversity commitment on terrestrial and freshwater sites'.


Response to Scottish Government Consultation on Marine Nature Restoration through Legislation

Posted on 14/05/2024
UKELA's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on facilitating marine nature restoration through legislation.


Response to the Welsh Government Consultation - Securing a Sustainable Future

Posted on 30/04/2024
UKELA's response to the Welsh Government consultation - Securing a Sustainable Future.


Response to Defra Consultation on Policies to Inform Updated Guidance for MPA Assessments

Posted on 21/03/2024
UKELA's response to the Defra consultation on policies to inform updated guidance for Marine Protected Area (MPA) assessments.


Response to Delivering Net Zero for Scotland’s Buildings: Proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill

Posted on 08/03/2024
UKELA's response to the consultation paper published by the Scottish Government: Delivering Net Zero for Scotland’s Buildings: Proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill.


Response to the Defra Consultation On Reforming the Producer Responsibility System for WEEE

Posted on 07/03/2024
UKELA's response to the Defra consultation on Reforming the Producer Responsibility System for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).


Response to the Defra HRA survey

Posted on 01/03/2024
UKELA's Response to the Defra Habitats Regulations Assessments survey.


Response to the Scottish Government Consultation on Well-being & Sustainable Development Bill

Posted on 13/02/2024
UKELA's response to the Scottish Government consultation on the proposed Well-being & Sustainable Development (Scotland) Bill.


Response to the Proposed Ecocide (Prevention) (Scotland) Bill

Posted on 09/02/2024
UKELA's response to the Proposed Ecocide (Prevention) (Scotland) Bill.


Response to ESC evidence call on REUL

Posted on 05/02/2024
UKELA's response to the European Scrutiny Committee inquiry on progress and mechanics of reform of Retained EU Law.


Response to OEP call for evidence on GES for UK Marine Waters

Posted on 31/01/2024
UKELA's response to the call for evidence by the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) on Good Environmental Status (GES) for UK marine waters.


Response to call for evidence by the Department for Energy, Security & Net Zero on Scope 3 Emissions

Posted on 14/12/2023
UKELA's response to the call for evidence by the Department for Energy, Security & Net Zero on Scope 3 Emissions.


Response to the Scottish Government consultation: Tackling the Nature Emergency

Posted on 13/12/2023
UKELA's response to Tackling the Nature Emergency - Scottish Government Consultation on Scotland’s Strategic Framework for Biodiversity.


Response to Sentencing Council’s Consultation Miscellaneous Amendments to Sentencing Guidelines

Posted on 30/11/2023
UKELA's response to the Sentencing Council’s Consultation Miscellaneous Amendments to Sentencing Guidelines - Guidelines Section 17 Environmental Guideline for Individuals.


Response to the Defra Consultation on Additional Policies Related to Simpler Recycling in England

Posted on 13/11/2023
UKELA's response to the Defra consultation on additional policies related to Simpler Recycling in England.


Response to the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Posted on 11/10/2023
UKELA's response to the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee call for views on the Environmental Principles Statutory Guidance and Environmental Governance.


Response to the Scottish Government’s Report into the Effectiveness of Governance Arrangements

Posted on 11/10/2023
UKELA's response to the Scottish Government’s Report into the Effectiveness of Governance Arrangements, as required by section 41 of the UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Act 2021.


Response to the FRC on the UK Endorsement of ISSB Sustainability Disclosure Standards

Posted on 08/10/2023
Response to the call for evidence by the Financial Reporting Council on the UK Endorsement of ISSB Sustainability Disclosure Standards, prepared by UKELA’s Climate Change & Energy Working Party.


Response to a Human Rights Bill for Scotland

Posted on 05/10/2023
UKELA's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on a Human Rights Bill for Scotland, prepared by a number of specialist UKELA working parties and groups including the Scottish Working Party.


Response to Defra on protecting hedgerows

Posted on 19/09/2023
UKELA's response to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs' consultation on protecting hedgerows, led by the Nature Conservation Working Party.


Response to the review of the Priorities for the 6th Senedd

Posted on 15/09/2023
This response is to the call for evidence by the Senedd’s Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee’s on its review of the Priorities for the 6th Senedd (the 6th Senedd Priorities), led by UKELA Wales.


Response to the Scottish Parliament on the Circular Economy Bill

Posted on 31/08/2023
UKELA's submissions to the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee of the Scottish Parliament on the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill, led by UKELA Scotland with input from the Governance and Devolution Group.


Response to the OEP on the call for evidence for nature recovery

Posted on 04/08/2023
UKELA's response to the call for evidence by the Office for Environmental Protection on its assessment of improving nature delivery - halting England’s decline in species abundance by 2030 and further restoring it.


Response to the EOR consultation

Posted on 19/06/2023
UKELA's response to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities consultation: Environmental Outcomes Report: a new approach to environmental assessment.


Response to the OEP on the call for evidence on protected sites

Posted on 24/04/2023
This response to the OEP’s call for evidence on Protected Sites has been prepared by UKELA’s Nature Conservation Working Party.


Response to IEPAW on protected sites in Wales

Posted on 23/02/2023
UKELA's response to the call for evidence from the Interim Environmental Protection Assessor for Wales (IEPAW) on the management and protection of protected areas - led by the Wales Working Party.


Response to the Scottish Parliament on REUL Bill

Posted on 24/11/2022
UKELA submissions to the Scottish Parliament on the legislative consent memorandum for the retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill


Response to the Public Bill Committee on REUL Bill

Posted on 21/11/2022
UKELA's response to call for evidence by the House of Commons Public Bill Committee on the REUL Bill, led by the Governance and Devolution Group.


Response to Senedd Cymru on the REUL Bill

Posted on 16/11/2022
UKELA's response to call for evidence by the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee of Senedd Cymru on the REUL Bill, led by Wales working party.


Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Posted on 18/10/2022
UKELA's response to the Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee on proposals for environmental outcomes report, led by the Governance and Devolution Group.


Environmental Standards Scotland strategy consultation UKELA response

Posted on 16/08/2022
UKELA has submitted its response on 16 August 2022, welcoming the publication of the draft strategy. We also welcomed that ESS recognises that the environmental challenges facing Scotland are urgent and serious.


Response to Scotland's biodiversity strategy

Posted on 30/06/2022
UKELA's response to the Scottish Government’s Biodiversity Strategy consultation, led by the Governance and Devolution Group (June 2022)


Response to DEFRA's Environmental Targets consultation

Posted on 15/06/2022
UKELA's response to DEFRA's Environmental Targets consultation, led by the Governance and Devolution Group (June 2022).


Response to the Nature Recovery Green Paper

Posted on 09/05/2022
UKELA's response to the Nature Recovery Green Paper, led by the Nature Conservation Working Party (May 2022).


House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee

Posted on 18/04/2022
UKELA's response to the House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee Inquiry: Retailed EU Law - where next? Led the Governance and Devolution Group.


Response to the Office of Environmental Protection

Posted on 18/03/2022
UKELA's response to the Office for Environmental Protection's strategy and enforcement policy, led by the Governance and devolution group, (March 2022).


Response to the Ministry of Justice Consultation

Posted on 07/03/2022
UKELA's response to the Ministry of Justice Consultation: 'Human Rights Act Reform; A Modern Bill of Rights. A consultation to reform the Human Rights Act 1998, led by the Environmental Litigation Working Party (7 March 2022).


Scottish Government statutory guidance

Posted on 03/03/2022
UKELA's response to the Scottish Government: 'Guiding principles: consultation on statutory guidance.


Response to the DEFRA and Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies Stakeholder Consultation

Posted on 28/01/2022
UKELA's response to The DEFRA and Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies Stakeholder Consultation, led by the Nature Conservation Working Party (28 January 2022).


UKELA responses to consultations 2021

  • UKELA's response to the Local Nature Recovery Strategies consultation paper, led by the Nature Conservation Working Party (2 November 2021). Read paper.
  • Response to the  Government’s Strategic Priorities for Ofwat, led by the Water Working Party and the Nature Conservation Working Party  (15 October 2021). Read paper.
  •  UKELA's consultation response to the BEIS Regulation Reform, led by the Governance and Devolution Group (1 October 2021). Read paper.
  • Response to the call for evidence by the House of Lords Common Frameworks Scrutiny Committee, led by the Governance and Devolution Group (16 September 2021) . Read paper.
  • Response to the consultation on amending the Civil Procedure Rules to establish Environmental Review, led by the Governance and Devolution Group (Defra, July 2021). Read paper
  •  Response to the Law Commission's 14th Programme of Law Reform, led by Governance and Devolution Group (30 July 2021)Read paper
  •  Response to the Environmental Governance Consultation on the draft policy statement of Environmental Principles - Defra, 10.3.21 (2 June 2021). Read paper
  •  Consultation response on Judicial Review Reform led by the Environmental Litigation Working Party, with input from the Governance and Devolution Group (29 April 2021). Read paper
  •  Draft Revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework. A response to the consultation on draft revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) led by the Planning and Sustainable Development Working Party (March 2021). Read paper
  •  Landscapes Review February 2021 - with letter of response. The Nature Conservation Working Party has written to the Environment Secretary about the landscapes review.  Read the letter from NCWP and the letter of response received in March 2021.
  • Consultation response on the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) providing discussion and analysis in the policy area of environment and climate change, led by the Governance and  Devolution Group (February 2021). Read paper
  •  Consultation response on a Northern Ireland Climate Change Bill led by the Northern Ireland Working Party and the Governance and Devolution Group (February 2021) - Read paper


UKELA responses to consultations 2020 

  • Submission to the Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee Inquiry into Air Quality (February 2020) led by the Wales Working Party - read paper
  • Submissions to Public Bill Committee on the Environment Bill submitted (May 2020) led by the Governance and Devolution Group - read paper
  • Submissions to the HL Sub-Committee on level playing fields (July 2020) led by the Governance and Devolution Group - read paper
  • Air Quality submissions to the EFRA Committee (August 2020) led by the Nature Conservation Working Party - read paper
  • Departure for retained EU law (August 2020), led by the Environmental Litigation Working Paper - read paper
  • Submissions to the EA’s consultation on River Basin planning (September 2020) led by the Water Working Paper - read paper
  • Consultation response on the proposal to ban nine single use plastic products in Wales (September 2020) led by Wales Working Party - read paper
  • Evidence to the Government’s Independent Review of Administrative Law (IRAL) (October 2020) led by Environmental Litigation Working Party - read paper
  • The response to the Planning White Paper: Planning for the Future (October 2020) led by the Planning & Sustainable Development Working Party - read paper
  • Submission to Public Bill Committee New Clause 24 & amendment 30 of the Environment Bill 2019-2021 (November 2020) led by the Governance and Devolution Group - read paper
  • Response to EFRA Inquiry on Tree Planting and Woodlands (December 2020) led by the Nature Conservation Working Party - read paper